08 December 2005

Traditional Chinese dating is something that is very heavily guarded. Where I live here in the middle of Mao country, there is not the worry about AIDS or loose women. Sure there are hookers (and cheap hookers at that), but they are well hidden and kept away from the mainstream traffic.
The women who are traditional are guarded heavily. Especially the really good looking ones. I met a really good looking one last weekend. Her name is Lei Hui Zhen and unlike most other Chinese girls, she does not have an English name because she loves her name and wants people to know it.
Now, I am not romantically linked to this girl in anyway. However, a collegue of mine found out that she wanted to take me out to tea and he gave me a fairly stern warning:
"Bad things happen to people that have sex with a Chinese girl without bearing a ring."
Now, to be fair, this guy is from the country and comes from a family of rice farmers. He clearly has not lived in the city long and still thinks all Chinese women but the whores are as fresh as Colorado snow on Christmas morning.
I asked him what he meant by the comment--if he was threatning me.
"No, I am not one to really care, but many others do. Consider this your warning. She is a lovely girl."
I still didn't catch his meaning.
As my good friend Tiny asked me when I relyed the story to him:
"What, does he mean like an honor killing?"

I decided to just not pay any attention to this absurb talk. I am a grown man who generally makes good decisions. I have no intention of sleeping with a traditional Chinese girl--I just can't see the point of hugging for three months before getting a kiss. I don't have that kind of time. I have already crossed the path of immortal sin, thanks all the same.
But, we did go out tonight. She was going to introduce me to her yoga teacher. Easy enough. However, when we went to the gym, I was challenged by someone to a game of ping pong. At first, it was ok. I could tell that the other guy was playing with me, giving me crappy lobs and trying to watch to see how bad I could be. The Chinese take their table tennis very seriously--which is kind of funny because in America you see it more when you are in a friends basement at the age of 12 then at any other time. So, I let him have his fun for a bit and then he decided to give me a good lashing in front of the girl.
He then says he wants to take me out for some tea. The way that he described it in Chinese made it seem a little planned out. The girl agreed and excused herself to go talk to the Yoga person before the three of us head out to have tea.
I like tea and am beginning to really enjoy Chinese teas, so I was looking forward to it. I didn't know what, if anything I would do with the girl, so this seemed to fit nicely. No awkwardness.
Basically, the three of us head to the tea shop and it then becomes very apparent that this guy thinks we are on an actual date! I shake my hands-- No, No. He nods and shows me his badge-- YES! YES!
and smiles. A police escort.
So, an honor killing and a police escort. Odd.
But wait, theres more.
The teahouse had some of the best damn tea I have EVER tasted. Red tea is the best, by far. I found one particular type that I enjoyed the most-- it is 700rmb a KILO!!! Which is close to $90 USD.
Of course, its good for your health.
To make this story a little shorter, we had a good time--and I got my first traditional Chinese tea lesson (Britian does not have anything on Chinese tea culture)
As we were leaving, the policeman, our escort on the date I wasn't on, gives me two bags. One with a brick of the red tea--probably valued at 50 bucks, and the other, the traditional Chinese lucky tea frog set, another 50usd.
As we leave, he has a car outside to take me to the University.
Its moments of pure kindness like these that make me wonder why people aren't always like this. It makes me wonder why we, as rich Americans, would NEVER do something so kind. It makes me think that there is another motive behind his actions. I am always suspect of policeman bearing expensive gifts...

It just amazes me how lovely these people can be.
Then again, this is China....

1 comment:

minnesotawriter said...

Dear Timothy,

You write an interesting narrative. I live in Japan and invite you to my blog.



The Captain