06 November 2008

On Obama...

After years of campaigning relentlessly for the candidates and their armies of people, the war was won handily by the democrats. I, like most of the people, am glad its over.
I am also happy that it wasn't close, that we didn't have to wait all night to realize who the next leader would be-- the message was clearer than it ever has been in my entire life-- the words of the American spoken as close to unison as we have seen in quite some time-- and that message was clear- Obama.
The biggest thing that we can hope for in the this country is that we begin to once again begin the process of functioning like the America that I remember-- a land with prosperity, a place where people wanted to come to attempt the American dream-- a place of freedom. The last eight years have really turned people against each other because most people were seemingly unhappy about something-- and it seemed like Tuesday night we gained our souls back again, the balance of power from eight years of misrepresented government washed away in the hopes of our new leader.
Barrack Obama is legit-- that is the best way to describe it-- he is the perfect leader of our country and will open up so many options for all of us because he will not need to be guided through the rough world of politics-- his biggest financial backer are the American people, people like you and I, people who donated our actual income to this man because the basic things that he thinks and says are exactly what we are saying and thinking.
It just feels good to be an American again. Read more!