25 May 2005

These are all shots of the rain storm that we had last week in Seattle. The view is from the office that I work at on 3rd Avenue. It is nice to look at these pictures given the glorious weather that we are having this week. Read more!

Memorial Day weekend, please come soon!!

So, this week has turned out to be a crazy one. Last week I was concerned that I was never going to find a job and now it seems that I have the right balance right now of work and time off to help with all the other things I need to accomplish in order to remain sane.
The job at full circle is fun and challenging and I hope it enganges me for the coming weeks. I also hope that some other options become available so that I have to weigh the benefits of this job--but for now, this is what I need to be happier. Organic food, positive thinking and assisting in the community that I live in, all things that fit in my directives, so I just need to consider those things as I try to find the perfect combination.
I just wish that jobs that you enjoy would pay more. It is tough for this farm to make it and their labour costs are out of control, so I understand why they don't pay and I think if I stick with it, I think it will. Besides that, the hours are great, except Saturdays are a working day, but that leaves my work week from the Monday blahs. Saturday is a good day to make some money and not be bothered and working close to the mountains will allow for some more leisure that I need more than most people because of my overall desire to be outdoors. Weight loss and exercise is now more than a priority for me and it seems like the time is going to made to where I am getting that done.

Heather is coming into town, so it will be good to see her and hang out. I have missed her company over the last several months and I think we have enough figured out that this weekend is just going to lead to having a good time together. It is going to be rare when we will have the chance to spend this time together so I want to make sure that I am on top of my game, so to speak.

Well, I must part now-- there is a lawn that needs to be mowed. Read more!

24 May 2005

Boxers or Briefs

......must sleep
...................Mate is a day drink. Do not drink at night. You will sleep for about an hour and wake up and stay up all goddamn night.

I woke up this morning to find myself gripping my alarm that had been going off for 45 minutes. I went to sleep an hour before.
It was also my first day of work, but I managed.
Tommorow, I am supposed to be there is 7 hours.
What the fuck am I doing?
Going to bed....

If you must read-- check out the first link on my links section--there is a nice short story I am working on there. It seems fun. Read more!

22 May 2005

The Matte'

Yerba Mate, or Mate as it is often called, is a South American herb that has won many admirers in wide-ranging parts of the world. In the search for a natural stimulant devoid of side effects and toxicity, Mate currently holds the most hope. An invigorator of the mind and body, a natural source of nutrition, and a health promoter par excellence, Mate deserves the attention of every person interested in optimum health. Yerba Mate was introduced to colonizing and modern civilizations by the primitive Guarani Indians of Paraguay and Argentina. It has seemingly always been the most common ingredient in household cures of the Guarani. In modern Argentina and Paraguay, however, Mate tea has become almost pathologically ritualized in a manner reminiscent of coffee and tea abuse in Western and Eastern countries. Among the native Guarani, on the other hand, the natural use of Mate for healthful purposes has persisted. They use it to boost immunity, cleanse and detoxify the blood, tone the nervous system, restore youthful hair color, retard aging, combat fatigue, stimulate the mind, control the appetite, reduce the effects of debilitating disease, reduce stress, and eliminate insomnia. Mate (flex paraguariensis) is an evergreen member of the holly family. It grows wild in Argentina, Chile, Peru, and Brazil, but is most abundant in Paraguay where it is also cultivated. The plant is classified vaguely, according to Western herbal medicine, as aromatic, stimulant, bitter, aperient (laxative), astringent, diuretic, purgative, sudorific (sweat inducing), and febrifuge (fever reducing). Mate contains numerous vitamins and minerals. Read more!

Yerba Mate and the force part deux

No exciting pictures to go with the story, but what a nice weekend. Today I awoke a little hungover from the Rum and other substances trickling through my somewhat clogged arteries brought a little too early morning for the Hogg, but going back to bed was the sweetest feeling I could ever imagine.
I was awakened early in the afternoon with an invitation to go and see the latest Star Wars again which was about all I could muster for the afternoon. What a good film. Yes, it is a little boring the second time around, but you begin to notice the key elements of the film that you miss the first go round. At 2:15, I am amazed that I have managed to sit through it twice without so much as even wondering about the time. There is just so much going on in this one that there is really no time to think about the time wasted. The thing that I keep thinking about is how closely this latest film really makes you think about the power and control of the current political agenda of the Bush administration.
See the film and you will know what I am talking about.
My good friend, Paul Baker, soon to be noted scientist was in town due to some unfortunate circumstances. He flew directly in from Uraguay, where he was conducting a seminar that has to do with his research. He remembered that I spoke very highly of Yerba Mate' which is a green tea that the South Americans drink in huge quantities and he was presented with a very special leather Yerba carrier and decided that he would pick one out for me as well. This is better than any gift I have ever recieved from anyone coming back from a trip because I had requested one of these from many friends that have travelled to South America over the years. The one time that I did not know someone was going and he comes back with one. Thanks Paul--it means so much to me.
I will post some information about this great contraption some other time when I have time to write more about this miracle substance. It is just a tea with high doses of caffeine, but its all you need to get through the day.
It moments like these where you really cherish your friendships. I must correct myself--it ties with the best surprise gift I have ever recieved. The other one came from the great friend Jacobe, who found this huge bottle of Double Bastard and gave it to me for a new years present. That was also a welcome surprise which I will again eloborate more on when I have the time.
For now, it is simply time to smile about the weekend and think about the new gig beginning tommorow, working for full circle farm.. Time to deal with commuting to Carnation every day and working with Organic foods, which is just what I need for the next couple of months...

Ahhh, the working world. Read more!

Star Wars Episode III, Part 2,

Yep, I am going to see it again.
Pathetic, maybe. Read more!