10 July 2005

London Calling

Another moment in history that has a direct corrolation to who we elected to be our leader. The British tip their hat to you, George W. Bush. For those of you out there who do not blame our actions in the Middle East, I must ask, when are you going to come to your senses?

Yes, the true blame is on these terrorists, but in reality, we give them the fuel for their fires. This is done in several levels, most of which come directly in our involvement in affairs that we have no business really being involved in. The billions that we spend in the name of freedom is never going to be able to stop these bombings from happening. THERE IS NO STOPPING THIS UNLESS WE STOP GLOBALISM.

Think of it in this rationale: Family and honor are a big thing in the middle eastern culture. There is also an eradication of the middle class, so there is either the super wealthy or there are the poor. The poor are an easy target to bring into the terrorist network because they have no options and they know it. It's not like how it is in here in the United States where we are marketed to think that everyone can have the American Dream--these people know they are fucked-period. So, Johhny Jihad comes along and offers you a free ticket into the arms of Allah via a small bomb that will take your life out of this miserable existance. And--if you act now, Johhny Jihad will also include at no extra charge, $50,000 cash to you family so that they might have opportunities for that dream of being able to eat every day. All you have to do is strap this device to your arse.
Where do I sign up?

So, how do we fix this? Well, I can tell you that it is not going to be repaired by introducing them to the George W. Bush faith and impearlism plan. I am not saying the answer is going to be an easy one, but I can tell you that encouraging war and fighting fire with nuclear fire is not the way to do it and the global polls show this.

The other issue overall is what this is doing to the decline of the USA on the world marketplace. The thing about politics is that people don't really care if you are the world leader as long as you are at the table and it seems you are paying attention to the needs of the global community. The problem now is that being on the American side is beginning to get costly for people and we as a nation are not putting on the dog and pony show we once were. The other issue is that America is quickly becoming broke, but the media is not paying attention to that-- we dont want to alarm the people, after all....

Don't believe me? Consider this: Think about how much money we have spent since 911-from the rebuilding efforts to the War in Iraq to the loss in the market, to the cessation of the social programs--all of indicators are there, but we refuse to allow for an open debate of this. The republicans sit behind their shield of faith and values and the democrats are immediatly discounted at the table from these people. It just isnt right and the rest of the world watches with their heads shaking. We are more concerned with what Paris Hilton is up to then what our president is trying to do to fix the mess that he has gotten us in.

It's not complicated. Everyone knew we were going to invade Iraq and 911 gave him the key to the city to invade. Bush needs to be brought up on war crimes when he leaves office-- he keeps shaking the hornets nest and the rest of the world gets stung. It isn't going to be too long before the finger gets pointed directly at W. and he is not going to have a copy of "my pet goat" to hide behind....

this country saddens me this day.

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