15 August 2005

SBC Park Sat Nizzight!!!

Well, I dont especially have a ton of time to write about everything that has happened in the last 72 hours, but needless to say it was a great time. Dave Matthews Band put on an electifying performance at sbc park in San Franciso. The weekend was just awesome -- totally what I needed.
A special shout goes to Jacobe for making the adventure worth while. Jacobe is a true friend to stay with for a couple of days. I arrived at his place in the early am--he lets me sleep on his freshly fahbreezed bed while he goes off and works. Later on in the evening, after going to Fishermans Wharf while he slaves away at a pizza job-- I arrive at his pizza job and he pours me about 5 beers (not just your Republican loving busch or bud, this was the Sierra Nevada Pale Ale baybee!!! What what?
To "top it off" he also made me one of the Kick ass pies-- you should check them out http://www.extremepizza.com Yeah!
Okay, so anyway, Ill give much more in the coming days. Enjoy the pics. These were all taken from the shizzle, my nizzle.

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