02 October 2005

Shanghai Golden Holiday 2005 __CANCELLED

Sorry to say, but instead of being on a train looking for the golden city of Shanghai, I instead got the golden opporunity to lay in the hospital with what is presumably my second case of food poisioning since arriving in China.
Although I am not 100% sure where it happened, I would like to share with you a couple of interesting developments which lead my thoughts to think it may have been one of these instances.
Since arriving here in China, almost a month to the day, I have been trying to work with my body to get it back into the shape of a traveller and not that of a lazy, apathetic American. The climate is different here--and the adjustment to the climate is killer. Pretty consistant upper 80 degree weather with 90% humidity--hot, sweaty tropical weather with the occasional rainstorm. Really, its lovely. Much better than the Seattle weather that some of you are going through each day....
With this kind of weather comes the mosquitoes. Lots of them. I live in a fairly enclosed area in the campus and I try to keep my doors and windows shut most of the time so that bugs dont feel as though this is a vacation home. I try to keep my bedroom door closed off from the rest of the house so that if the occasional mosquitoes do manage to come in, they stay in the other parts of the house and not where I sleep.
Sometimes this work, mostly it does not.
The night that I got sick, there were about 5 in the room. I managed to kill all four of them at different points in the night. The first two I nailed before I went to bed, the third kept buzzing my ear as I tried to sleep and was killed quickly. The other two decided to wait to come out until I was deeply asleep and then, proceeded to bite me several times, which I didnt notice until I got up several hours later, feeling like complete and total shit.
As I woke up, I looked around and saw the little vampire cruising around--he was a very, very fat bug. I swatted at his largeness and he smashed against the wall, blood splattering across the swatter and about three inches from the mosquito.
Moments later, I saw another one flying and went to nail him as well, but no chance. After the near fatal blow, he hid and i went back to bed, feeling a little beat and feverish. About an hour later, I woke again to the feeling of being served up for dinner and got directly into attack mode on the bed--a funny site to be seen for sure. I saw the mosquito from before, lingering in the air. I watched him carefully--and then, woop-- and BAM.
A this one hit, he also splattered, but not blood-- something deep and black. I sat for a moment, wondering what it could be, what could smell like that. Then it came to me--it was shit, pure and simple. This mosquito had been in shit before making my home its home.
The next day, exhausted and wondering what the problem was, it came to me that perhaps I had been attack by none other than the shit bug.
More later....

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