16 June 2005

How to piss off lame ass music execs.....

For All its worth, I really need to get off my ass and go biking, but the weather looks poo and I just went to the record store and picked up the new foo.
Foo Fighters, that is kids.
Two cds, one acoustic like and the other is rockin. Both sucked at first because they had the stupid new copywrite software that is installed on it, which DOES NOTHING TO PREVENT PIRICY YOU IDIOT MARKETING PEOPLE!!!! INSTEAD, ALL IT REALLY DOES IS PISS THE PEOPLE OFF WHO TRY TO BE COOL AND BUY ALBUMS OF MUSICANS THAT THEY TRY TO SUPPORT.

And the best part, ladies and gentleman, is I have finally cracked the system and now I can finally burn it to my ipod, but I just might upload it so that the world can have another person to steal it from...

I am going to tell you how to do it --

There are a few topics going on about this already, but this worked the best for me. Good luck.

Start with a Windows 2000/XP system with empty CD drives.

Click the Start button and select Control Panel from the Start Menu.
Double-click on the System control panel icon.
Select the Hardware tab and click the Device Manager button.
Configure Device Manager by clicking "Show hidden devices" and "Devices by connection," both from the View menu.
Insert the CD into the computer and allow the SunnComm software to start. If MediaMax has never been started before on the same computer, the SbcpHid driver should appear on the list for the first time. However, on some systems Windows needs to be rebooted before the driver becomes visible.
At this point you can attempt to copy tracks from the CD with applications like MusicMatch Jukebox or Windows Media Player. Copies made while the driver is active will sound badly garbled, as in this 9-second clip [10].

Next, follow these additional steps to disable MediaMax:

Select the SbcpHid driver from the Device Manager list and click "Properties" from the Action Menu.
Click the Driver tab and click the Stop button to disable the driver.
Set the Startup Type to "Disabled" using the dropdown list.

With the driver stopped, you can verify that the same applications copy every track successfully. Setting the Startup Type to disabled prevents MediaMax from restarting when the computer is rebooted. It will remain deactivated until LaunchCD.exe is allowed to run again.
Equivalently, executing the following commands from the Command Prompt will deactivate MediaMax:

net stop sbcphid
del %systemroot%\system32\drivers\sbcphid.sys

When is the music business going to realize that its their policies that continue to push people to download illeagally. Lower the price of the art....!

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